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Girlguiding Uniform Shop

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Get ready, get set, get Guiding! 

Wearing our uniform allows girls to feel connected while they explore new things and build brilliant friendships in Girlguiding. Each section's uniform is a mix and match selection so you can choose whatever suits you and your budget best. Our one stop shop has all the official uniform essentials. Choose your section below to get started.

Have additional questions? Scroll down to find our new term checklist, handy size guide, information on inclusive uniforms, and more. If you still don't find what you're looking for, please see our shop FAQs.

We’re proud to say that our uniforms are ethically sourced, and when you buy directly from us, 100% of profits stay in guiding.

  • Rainbow Uniform

    Rainbows are our most colourful section, they can choose from a range of practical and fun uniform pieces.

  • Brownie Uniform

    Girls in Brownies wear a practical uniform that’s ready for adventure!

  • Guide Uniform

    Guides have flexibility with what they wear as uniform. They often agree on their uniform guidelines together with other girls in the unit.

  • Ranger Uniform

    In Rangers you can wear different uniform depending what you’re doing or where you're going. It’s often agreed as a unit what the uniform will be for unit meetings.

  • Young Leader Uniform

    Comfortable and practical uniform for our youngest leaders.

  • Leader Uniform

    Choose from everyday mix and match options for unit meetings, to smarter pieces for events and outings. 

Additional information

New term checklist

Does your child have everything they need for their upcoming term with Girlguiding? Read our checklist to help you get ready.

Size guide

Not sure what size to order? Our handy size guide can help. 

For individual needs

For any queries relating to uniform sizing, or creating a uniform outside of standard sizes, please contact our sales team.

Inclusive uniform approach

We take a flexible approach to uniform with guiding wear choices for all members of Girlguiding. Find out more.

Want to shop local?

Want to support guiding at your local level? Or maybe you'd prefer to pick up some second-hand uniform pieces instead? Our 800 volunteer-run shops around the UK can help. Find your nearest shop.
